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The New Age World View
  • Introduction
  • The Rise of New Age Thinking
  • New Age Ideas and Beliefs

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The New Age World View

Rick Rood


The New Age Movement (NAM) is a diversified stream of organizations and individuals who are working for a new period in man's history where man's mind will be transformed into God- consciousness and his society will be one of peace and harmony. It is believed that a shift in thinking must occur to bring about a change from a masculine influence with its emphasis on rationalism and logic to a more compassionate, tender and tolerant order based on intuition and subjectivism.

Other names are sometimes used to describe this world view: New Consciousness, Human Potential Movement, The Aquarian Conspiracy, and Cosmic Consciousness. There are also particular "buzz" words that are often heard when discussing the New Age:

Awakening Holographic Self-actualization
Consciousness Human Potential Synergistic
Energy Networking Transformation
Global Oneness Unity
Holistic Personal Growth

(Note: None of these words are wrong in themselves, and while they should alert us to a possible New Age link, the mere use of the words by someone or some organization does not mean they are New Agers.)

There are no explicitly "sacred texts," because revelation is "open." Since god is immanent within us, god is in constant communication with us. However, their sources of inspiration are often drawn from the writings of the major eastern religions (Hinduism, Buddhism, Zen, Sufism, etc.-- see the World Religions outline in this notebook) and prominent writers in the East-West dialogue (Helena Blavatsky, Annie Besant, Alice Bailey, Sri Aurobindo, Marilyn Ferguson, Shirley MacLaine, David Spangler, Benjamin Creme, etc.).

New Agers assert that the Piscean Age, better known as the church age, has as its foundation the male-centered Judeo-Christian world view. The Aquarian Age is an attempt to bring balance back into evolution by introducing "female energies" through a new world order. Adherents of this New Age believe that all man's problems are a direct result of his Judeo-Christian heritage. Therefore, a shift in thinking must occur to bring about the change from a masculine influence with its emphasis on rationalism and logic to a more feminine, compassionate, tender and tolerant order based on intuition and subjectivism.

  1. The rise of New Age thinking

    • Mankind is discovering in the latter years of this century that Secular Humanism is not the answer many had hoped for--it is not an adequate solution to man's problem. According to the Judeo-Christian world view man's problem has traditionally been seen as one of separation from God. Naturalists view man as an inhibited creature who needs the restraints of the Judeo-Christian moral code removed so he can fully express himself in every area of life. The New Ager sees man's problem as being one of separation, not from a personal God, but separation from one another. Therefore, the obvious solution for the New Ager is to bring about a sense of "unity" for all mankind and thus meet his basic needs.

    • Naturalism has so invaded every area of our culture, including the Christian church through its liberalism, that the church in general is looked upon as an out-dated option--a bankrupt alternative. Once the Christian faith had been rendered useless by these liberators a spiritual vacuum was created that could not be filled by man alone.

    • Naturalists do not believe in life after death and certainly do not believe in the supernatural (see The Humanist Manifesto I & II, Promethus Books). Therefore, God is not a viable option, and if man is in need of salvation, he will have to save himself.

    • Because naturalism has begun to destroy the moral fabric of our nation--not to mention a belief in a prayer-hearing God who cares for us-- many have been likewise disillusioned by it.

    • The emergence of the New Age Movement rests on the seeming decay of Christianity and the despair of naturalism. Man is a seeker and must experience a degree of spirituality. Our society is undergoing a spiritual upheaval. People are looking for spiritual vitality in an unprecedented manner.

    • Unfortunately, society has not desired to give up the individual's sovereignty in the midst of seeking their lost spirituality. Our society is primed for a movement which will still affirm man as the measure of all things and revitalize our spiritual yearnings.

  2. New Age ideas and beliefs

    1. General mindset

      1. Mystical. A "paradigm" is a model, a grid through which our perception of reality is achieved. NAM makes no qualms about getting rid of the "old" paradigm (rationalism) and replacing is with the "new" paradigm (mysticism) which is heralded by the new physics.

      2. Holistic. Logic is fundamentally the practice of division and separation which has fostered a divisive spirit and the alienation of mankind. The holism of NAM, however, disintegrates divisions and integrates all things. It blurs the distinctions and unifies man with man (social utopia), man with nature (ecological balance), and man with God (divine union).

      3. Optimistic. We are at the brink of a new age. Nothing can stop its awakening so we might as well hop on board.

      4. Syncretistic. NAM is like a huge cosmic sponge which absorbs other beliefs and religions.

      5. Relativistic. We do not have all the answers because we are all in a continual process of evolution. This is why authoritarian and dogmatic religions are not part of NAM. Likewise, ethical norms are relative, since they are self-imposed and also evolving with the changing times.

    2. New Age metaphysics

      1. Pantheism. Ultimate Reality (God) contains no distinctions or divisions. It unifies and transcends all dualities. God is all and all is God. As the complete Absolute, God is impersonal--an impersonal energy which surrounds and binds all things.

      2. The nature of the universe. The universe is an emanation of God. It is essentially God itself. Thus, the physical universe is illusory or at least "less than real." The true reality is the Absolute, the One.

      3. Self-deification of man

        1. Man is an emanation of God and as such is also identical with God. He thus has infinite potential. Man need only actualize what he truly is in order to attain enlightenment and fulfillment.

        2. Once man gets rid of self-imposed hindrances (such as logic, limitations, etc.) he will achieve the next stage in his evolution. This next stage will not be physical, but intellectual and spiritual. Man will attain an altered state of consciousness; he will realize that he is ultimate reality.

        3. Man's hindrances are usually socially imposed. We are taught to make distinctions like good and bad, me and you, and so forth. Reason and logic hinder our awareness of the true unity of all things:

          When we're in the spiritual state, everything merges into one great unity: the unity of the cosmos. The senses can't be trusted; events don't 'happen,' they 'are'; all desires and beliefs must be given up, because they separate us from the One; all categories must be given up, even the categories of 'good' and 'bad,' for the same reason; and so on.{1}

    3. Other New Age beliefs

      1. Government. While global god-consciousness is sought, not all New Agers feel inclined to push New Age government. Theosophist New Agers (Blavatsky, Besant, and Bailey) are particularly politically minded, but it would be misleading to say NAM as a whole actively seeks to promote a global world ruler. Most New Agers, in fact, want to shift sole power and control away from lone individuals and institutions. They desire a decentralized government where there is a global network of independent communities.

      2. Occultism. Many New Agers are involved either directly or indirectly with the occult. Objects of divination are often used for healing the body or mind. Mediumship, in order to contact spiritual guides or "masters," is sought to hasten god-consciousness. Psychic phenomena are accepted, welcomed, and actively sought.

      3. Reincarnation. Reincarnation provides an understandable route to godhood. It allows for and accounts for the necessary and gradual climb from our present state to one of ultimate self-actualization of our divine potential.

      4. Universalism. No one will be left out of this New Age consciousness. Eventually the whole world will be embraced by this Cosmic Force. For the Christian, however, this embrace is an embrace that smothers.

      5. Jesus Christ. Christ is virtually eliminated from the redemption scheme for all humankind. New Agers reject the biblical teaching that Christ sacrificed his life in order to bring us forgiveness of sins. In fact, Jesus of Nazareth and Christ are two separate entities. The "Christ spirit" indwelt Jesus just as it indwelt Krishna and Buddha.{2} The man Jesus is divine "in exactly the sense that we are divine."{3} The uniqueness of his person and work are summarily dismissed. If any one person takes the lead in our salvation it is Lucifer, not Jesus. According to Spangler, Lucifer guides everyone through a series of experiences geared to awaken in us a "transformation of consciousness" called the "Luciferic Initiation." This state is one that recognizes that all past experiences were part of a plan (led by Lucifer) that ultimately led to the recognition and manifestation of one's inner divinity.

      6. Salvation

        1. God-consciousness. Also called gnosis or enlightenment, this is an altered state where separateness is transcended, unity is accomplished, and humanity realizes its divinity. We must remedy our ignorance of the truth of our innate godhood:

          This perfection, this wholeness, does not refer to superior achievement, moral rectitude, personality. . . . Rather, it is an insight into nature . . . there is the continent on which we all make our home . . . an unbroken unity with all life and cosmic processes, including my own life. The separate self is an illusion. . . . The self is a field within larger fields. When the self joins the Self, there is power. . . . Even beyond the collective Self, the awareness of one's linkage with others, there is a transcendent, universal Self.{4}

        2. Stripping the self. The actual methodology of how god-consciousness is achieved is varied. The common element in all the techniques is the stripping away of the self in order to realize the Self. The individual must be deposed, so that the ALL can be exposed.

    4. The route does not matter; the goal is all-important.

      The religious practices of NAM vary according to the particular avenue one has chosen to attain God-consciousness. A Hindu will practice one way, a Buddhist another, and a NAM physicist still another. The route does not matter; the goal is all-important.

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